Tuesday, October 4, 2011

St. James Weekend

This past weekend was the annual St. James Court Art Show in Louisville, and what a stunning weekend we had weather-wise. St. James is a beautiful area in Old Louisville with mansions dating back to the 19th century, small grassy courtyards, and one gorgeously restored fountain.

At the show, held the first weekend in October, you can find paintings, photos, jewelry, sculptures, carnival food, and some of the most bizarre knick-knacks you'll ever encounter.


Adam's parents come down every year for the event, and this year they brought his aunt as well. While I'm sure most people like browsing the different vendors and the crafty items they've created, I love looking at the houses!

While I didn't buy anything, Adam and I did split a corn dog and both had a beer. Why did glorious fall weather make me want an ice cold beer...?

We both opted for the Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale and it was a FANTASTIC choice! However, it left me very little tolerance to walk a straight line around the rest of the show, much less take any more pictures of the vendors.

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.

Does your city hold any fall events?

1 comment:

Reena the Diva said...

we have oktoberfest...its where you go and sample a ton of beers and get really really wasted. various festivals and the LA county fair too. LOL you were toasted after ONE beer?? i wish i was like that, i'd save points ;)

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